What is a Lottery?
A game in which tokens are sold or distributed and winners are selected by chance, sometimes as a means of raising funds. Several states and organizations sponsor lotteries for various purposes, including public works projects, charity, or even military service. It is believed that lotteries have a long history. Moses was instructed to take a census of Israel and distribute land by lottery, while Roman emperors gave away property and slaves by lot. In colonial-era America, Benjamin Franklin sponsored a lottery to raise money for cannons to defend Philadelphia against the British. George Washington even sponsored a lottery to help pay for his enormous debts.
State lotteries have gained broad public approval by selling their proceeds as a painless form of taxation. This argument is especially effective during economic stress, when states need to expand their range of services and avoid imposing heavy burdens on middle-class and working class taxpayers. However, research shows that the popularity of lotteries is not related to a state’s objective fiscal circumstances.
In addition, lottery advertising is often deceptive. For example, it is common to misrepresent the odds of winning a prize and inflate the value of the prizes (since lotto jackpots are typically paid out in annual installments over 20 years, inflation and taxes dramatically erode their current values). And finally, it is important to keep in mind that state lotteries are businesses with a singular focus on maximizing revenues, and therefore their advertising efforts necessarily promote gambling. This raises important questions about whether the promotion of lotteries is appropriate for the government, and may contribute to problems such as poverty and problem gambling.